Friday, November 8, 2019

Generic Escape Room 2!

Got 8 problems?  Then you can ESCAPE with this generic escape room! And it is made for the whole class to do!

WiFi connection and bar code scanner are necessary as you need to be able to QR Code scan and access Google Docs as well as Google for trivia.

Last year, I shared a generic escape room template and how to easily set it up yourself.  I included the needed items as well.  See original post here.

This year, I wanted to change it up a bit since I have quite a few repeaters so I used the exact same concept but changed the 'Clues'. One clue is shown below.  Last time, I had science clues so mixed it up a little to bring in come other subjects. A little cross curricular action here!
I also discovered they needed a 'master' clue sheet to keep record on and created the following Class Clue Sheet.  There is also one in the original escape room folder.

As last time, each group gets a clue and I adjust based on the number of groups. I make sure I do small lock clue then large lock clue so they have to wait until all groups finish to open both locks.

I found this super cute detective border at if you want to find something to theme around. The unique font I used was KG Broken Vessels Sketch and you can download from for free here

These clues will remain in place as long as I have this Google account so you may have your kids use them.  REMEMBER.... if you copy them it will change all the QR Codes so you will need to recreate everything (I think!)

Everything you need to escape any assignment AGAIN can be found here for FREE!!  


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Harry Potter Graphing

Wizardingly quick post for my Harry Potter themed graphing activity. Just this year I discovered the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and am now imposing it on all my students. I love having a theme in assignments and Quidditch made a great goal for this needed skill.

My geometry team specifically needs the graphing skill of a point and slope but not in the formula. I like to make assignments that are also formative assessment where students know right away if they are doing it correctly. All the lines intersect and bludger or the snitch!

Get the worksheet here for free! I have it in both Word and PDF. If you are interested in the font, it is free on!

Hopefully this will be the first of other Wizarding graphing activities!
