Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Transformations Mystery Pictures- Reflections!

Short post to share an activity and TPT find!

So I am not only teaching Math Models this year but also Geometry?!?!!?  There is an extensive Geometry Unit at the end of the Math Models Curriculum so here I go into a new curriculum.

Geometry was always my favorite subject in school, and while I loved doing it, it has been over 20 years since I have done it.  now I've got to teach it?  what, the what now?  It is not as easy as I remember, of course 20 years, a lot of things have happened.....

So now I get to re-learn Geometry and figure out how to teach it.  This has been awesome 😑....

One of the activities I used to practice rotations was this wonderful and well worth the $5 find on Teachers Pay Teachers.  It is by Nilcola Waddilove.

Transformations Mystery Picture Pack (Reflection, Rotation, Translation)

I loved the Rotations Picture and it was just what my students needed for a second day of practice with using the Rotation Rules.

I then decided that before I move on to my newly created Dice Activity, I wanted to make sure they had thorough practice.  While the above sheet did have 2 reflections practice, it did not have what I needed for reflection across y=x.  

So I googled first and found nothing matching what I wanted.  Me, being me, decided to create one!  I present to you my first Transformation Mystery Picture!!  It's not extensive and probably can be finished quickly but the image is SOOOOO MY CLASS!  

Download this activity in Word and PDF for FREE!  If you use word, the font I used for the title is Austie Bost Envelopes font and can be downloaded for FREE here.

Did another one to share!  

It is named AJ after the student who helped design it.  Download the Word and PDF for FREE!

Please let me know if you see any needed changes or have anything to share!

As always, Enjoy!


toonssia said...

THANK you so much. love this kind of activity when students can auto-correct

Lisa Richardson said...

You are welcome! Enjoy.

toonssia said...

Hello ! i have a question. i didnt recognize the result of the Reflections Mystery Picture 1. It's a star wars character? thanks

Lisa Richardson said...

it is Darth Vader!