As of 1/30/18, I have two more resources below.
On the Clue Activity, there are 3 versions of the 'crime' but all the same problems and numbers. I just mixed up the suspects, weapons and rooms.
This card template was adapted from this Karen Cookie Jar Post. A just added the answers. It was also an older version of word so the formatting is a little wonky but prints on our printers correctly. I recommend you print a Word copy first to check. The PDF should be fine.
I Heart Factoring creates a picture when matched with the correct trinomial.... guess what the picture is?!?!
Get these resources for FREE here!
Another factoring Activity for Algebra 1... A Mystery Picture! I included a student WS to make sure they factor and do not multiply. As they find the answers, that tells them to color that letter a certain color. And at the end they have a snazzy picture!
1/10/18 - A new Clue Activity for Solving Quadratics by Factoring. I made it specific to my students and school but it is easily editable for your classes. My students loved the first version and get really excited when they see their names in problems. There are 3 versions of the 'crime' but all the same problems and numbers. I just mixed up the suspects, crimes and locations.
Get these resources for FREE here! Or clicking on the pictures of each activity.
For answer keys, please email from an official teacher school or professional account that I can verify. I have had a number of students and generic email accounts request keys. I don't want to ruin the integrity of an assignment for any of you. Thank you and hope you understand.
As always, please let me know if you see any mistakes or corrections and if you create anything you'd like to share!
LOVE these!!!
Just a heads up, the heart factoring page would not print correctly for me. It kept cutting off a portion of bottome, even though I could see it on my print screen... I was able to screenshot it to print, just wanted to share in case you can fix for others...
Thank you for these! Cannot wait to play CLUE!
Thank you for the feedback! If you want to email me, I can send you the word document to cut and scan yourself! That's how I did it so I have no idea why it's printing weird! I just didn't put it out there because I did not want kids to find the key ;-)
Thank you for the feedback! If you want to email me, I can send you the word document to cut and scan yourself! That's how I did it so I have no idea why it's printing weird! I just didn't put it out there because I did not want kids to find the key ;-)
These are Awesome THANK YOU so much for sharing!!! Definitely could be on Teachers Pay Teachers..... These are something different for the kids to work with than a scavenger hunt.
Thank you for sharing! These are amazing!
Please what is the answer in puzzle!!
Tks a lot! I'm from Brazil, and i've aplied your puzzle in my classes! Amazing.
Thank you so much for this!
You are amazing! This is going to be so much fun! Thank you
You have some great ideas to keep factoring fun! Thanks for sharing.
These are fun and engaging! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for sharing these resources! My students will surely love it!
Very cool ideas. It is so much more fun getting creative with math.
These were fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing!
Amazing! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much for sharing!
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