Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Mrs. Richardson's Adventures in Math Class Beginnings

For the first time in 10 years, I am only teaching one prep!  When I began this year, I learned that I would not be teaching Algebra for the first time in 10 years... and not only that, I had a completely new class that I had never taught before and only barely glanced at the curriculum for!  The classes I had taught in the past were being handed on to new teachers and I was being given all sections of Math Models?!?!  I was intimidated to say the least!  To change was overwhelming but only one prep was exciting.  As a result, I have had so much more time to create and explore lessons and activities that I'm excited to share with my students and you.

I have never blogged before about my teaching but last summer I presented for the first time at a conference as well as in front of teachers.  The feedback was very encouraging and in recent weeks, I have been sharing more via social media and decided I'd like to share if anyone is interested.  I've been putting activities on Teachers Pay Teachers for several years but have many activities that I'd be happy to share and decided this might be the correct forum!

Thanks for joining and I will be creating my first blog entry this afternoon!  Please be patient as I have no idea what I'm doing here and might have a few hiccups along the way.  Any help and/or feedback would be much appreciated!

Also, if you need any inspiration.... follow https://mathequalslove.blogspot.com/ as she is an amazing teacher and author.


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