Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Slope Graffiti

No holds barred!!  Fill the paper!! Tag it up!  It's Slope Graffiti!

I want you to tell me everything you can about the equation assigned.  Everything!  The more the better.  There is really no right or wrong here.  It is just about recalling and applying their knowledge. I first did this in a grant I attended several summers ago and have made it a regular assignment in my Algebra 1 and Math Models Classes. 

In Math Models (a post Algebra 1 class), I do this on the third day of school!  It takes a bit of effort and many students to have a difficult time writing down anything about math.  Many can say it and remember it but actually putting it down takes practice that I focus on throughout the year.  In Algebra 1, I assign this after all necessary teaching and practice have been done on slope-intercept form.

I have 2 versions.  The first have the equations in slope-intercept form.  The next time we do it, 2nd semester in Algebra, it is in standard form.  I provide a graph template for them as well so they do not have to draw a graph free hand.  I allow one full class period.

I have a PPT with 4 different slides of equations.  On each one, I did put the parent function.  I display this throughout the class period.  they do work in groups so I have very relevant math vocabulary as their Group Names.  

I have had some beautiful and excellent projects over the years but unfortunately lost them to the floods so I cannot show you.  One of the few things I did not photograph!!  Ugh!!!  Generally, later on in the year, there is a lot more 'writing' on the posters but my students did an excellent job this year for the third day of school.  

There were a lot of laughs, some struggles, but in the end they all remembered the critical basic information!  Below are some selected pictures from this year.

I have been working for 3 years now to have students write more about math so you can definitely see a progression throughout the year when I ask them to do these type activities.  I also have a notebook/journal warm-up that goes along with this concept:

They are just instructed to tell me anything they can about it!  I also have a bunch of one page different equations they could do.  I will include all of them in the link below.  The font used is KG Girls on Fire and can be downloaded here for FREE!  I just love fonts!!!

Thank You and Enjoy! 

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